
70 Hours Overtime - Glad I'm Not On Salary

I’m back. After a very long month, I’ve finally got some time to rant...write. It all started, I don’t know, a year and a half ago. Rumors of Denton Community Hospital becoming Presbyterian Hospital of Denton were all over the building. Could it be true? A big name hospital in Denton? WOW!!! One thing lead to another and before I knew it there was a brand new big building being built (alliteration) next door. At the same time contracts were signed to get a little automation (Accudose by McKesson) in the pharmacy side of patient care.

All this stuff is great but what’s that? OOOHHHH…this is all going to come together at the same time. Change hospital names, Accudose ‘go live,’ and move from a 100 bed facility to a combined 200 bed facility all at the same time…that sounds like fun (glad I’m not in charge). But wait there’s more…what if another company was to offer BBG the chief tech at the time, a director of pharmacy position?

What you would have is a potential for disaster…And a huge opportunity for character building. This experience was not always fun, but we pulled it off. The pharmacy crew I have the pleasure of working with on a daily basis is absolutely amazing. Each and every one of them made a unique contribution to the move and implementation.

I’m going to break down the whole ‘move’ into three posts: pre-move, move, and still moving.

Just a little post script: Although I do work for Presbyterian Hospital of Denton, my views do not necessarily reflect those of PHD, Triad, or Texas Health Resources...that should keep me out of trouble.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember, don't let them see you cry; it's a morale breaker! Shake your head and smile that secret knowing smile that makes everyone a little nervous (and Tim incredibly angry). It is an Opportunity, not Adversity! (So says the fleeing rat over his shoulder) BBG