
Job Satisfaction

"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work."

My great friend and former boss (we couldn't be friends then) BBG quoted this the other day and I thought it was great. Do you enjoy your job? Why do you do it? If you're a leader, manager, or recommender do the people you work with enjoy the work they do? Is there anything you can do to help them enjoy what they do, or is it all on them?

These are the questions I'm asking myself right now...I do enjoy my job. I find pleasure in helping customers, in recommending solutions for potential problems, and also in helping co-workers reach their full potential.

But how do you respond to someone you work with on a daily basis that doesn't find pleasure in what they are doing? What do you do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sad to encounter someone who needs what they want; yet, does not want what they need! I spent a great deal of energy trying to fill a bottomless void with MY joy. Why? We want people we care about to share our joy. What life shattering event can force a once loving person to succumb to defeat even in the face of victory? The death of a loved one, the death of hope, or the death of faith... Without Christ where do you turn in the face of the enemy? Without hope how do you counteract despair? Without love in you heart how do you receive love given to you freely? Every bouquet of roses has thorns, the winning lottery ticket cost you a dollar and everything you have ever wanted cost money. Your happiness is tied to what you can afford. You want what you want but you don't want to pay the price. What a way to die (it certainly isn't living). Simply live your life to the fullest and reach back now and again to offer your hand but don't drag them behind you like an anchor. Don't let the devil steal your joy!