
Blackberry Etiquette???

Notice: There is a little bathroom humor in this post!!!

Today I go to the restroom and am standing at the urinal 'doing my thing'. A gentleman that works on the same floor (I assume) approaches the urinal directly next to mine...this is a violation in Urinal Etiquette. He then proceeds to 'do his thing' and in the process, takes his Blackberry of his hip (I assume) and began reading his email or something!

Note to those with a Blackberry: Are you truly that important and/or crunched for time? Which odd places do you check your email?

Has anyone published a Blackberry Etiquette reference guide?

...How do you 'clean' a Blackberry?

1 comment:

...steven said...

I use a Treo - and I'm all about email in the stall. Haven't done the urinal (but I do like it when they hang newspapers up to read...).

Funny post.