WOW!!! Texas losing to LSU didn't hurt as bad in HD :D It looks amazing. One of my friends recommended getting an off air antenna to pick up WFAA in HD since it does not come across the dish yet. So I went ahead and splurged.
This leads me to the installation technician.
Could they send a more apathethetic, in a hurry, sloppy, installer? (Hint: The answer is NO)
The guy brought is son (a teenager) with him to help out. After he installed the new dish on the roof do you think he put silicone around the bolts (like the last guy did)? Is that not part of the install now? Do I have to get on a ladder and do it myself?
Then, he gets everything setup and begins his very brief tutorial. We get to WFAA and the off air antenna says, 'searching for signal' wait a minute, this is the only reason I purchased the additional antenna.
'Oh yeah,' he says 'you live too far north to get that channel. You can purchase an amplifier from Radio Shack and that should boost the signal enough for you to get it.'
So, Sunday I go outside to begin yard work and there is junk the guy left after he was 'finished' laying all over the yard.
Needless to say, Direct TV will be receiving a phone call from me on my commute home. Their customer service has always been great. But this contractor/installer was horrid.

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