
"One Minute Manager"

"Help people reach their full potential...Catch them doing something right!"

Finally, I had a chance to sit down and finish another book. This one is a must read for anyone that manages anything. I recommended that my wife (an elementary teacher) read it to help her with managing her children. There are three basic principles to understand.

* One Minute Goals - Review, clarify and agree on goals.

When a goal is achieved (or any part of the goals) go to...

* One Minute Praisings - Praise the person immediately and encourage them to do more of the same.

If a goal is not achieved, review the goal with the person...

If a goal is not achieved again go to...

* One Minute Reprimands - Do it soon, be specific, reprimand the behavior, encourage the person, shake hands and go back to...

* One Minute Goals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Outstanding post about an outstanding book!