
Job Satisfaction

"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work."

My great friend and former boss (we couldn't be friends then) BBG quoted this the other day and I thought it was great. Do you enjoy your job? Why do you do it? If you're a leader, manager, or recommender do the people you work with enjoy the work they do? Is there anything you can do to help them enjoy what they do, or is it all on them?

These are the questions I'm asking myself right now...I do enjoy my job. I find pleasure in helping customers, in recommending solutions for potential problems, and also in helping co-workers reach their full potential.

But how do you respond to someone you work with on a daily basis that doesn't find pleasure in what they are doing? What do you do?


"One Minute Manager"

"Help people reach their full potential...Catch them doing something right!"

Finally, I had a chance to sit down and finish another book. This one is a must read for anyone that manages anything. I recommended that my wife (an elementary teacher) read it to help her with managing her children. There are three basic principles to understand.

* One Minute Goals - Review, clarify and agree on goals.

When a goal is achieved (or any part of the goals) go to...

* One Minute Praisings - Praise the person immediately and encourage them to do more of the same.

If a goal is not achieved, review the goal with the person...

If a goal is not achieved again go to...

* One Minute Reprimands - Do it soon, be specific, reprimand the behavior, encourage the person, shake hands and go back to...

* One Minute Goals.


"Who Moved My Cheese?"

I just finished a wonderful book that most everyone has read...sorry it took me so long. Spencer Johnson tells a cute little story that has real life application. Here are the main points:

*Change happens, they keep moving the cheese.

*Anticipate change, get ready for the cheese to move.

*Monitor change, smell the cheese often so you know when it's getting old.

*Adapt to change quickly, the quicker you let go of old cheese, the quicker you get to enjoy new cheese.

*Change, move with the cheese.

*Enjoy change, savor the adventure and the taste of new cheese.

*Be ready to quickly change again and again, they keep moving the cheese.

The only question is what's your cheese? We have a huge change coming up at the place I work and I encouraged administration to purchase this little gem of a book for everyone...I'm still waiting.

Next book: "The One Minute Manager"


Why Blogging Sucks Sometimes

Wow!!! Seems like only yesterday I was posting everyday...oh wait that was like a week or two ago. Ya see that's another thing about 20-something, the random schedule. Whether it's work, school, church, or the spouse somethings going to limit your time. It's pretty odd to have a time conflict after spending sooooo much time comparing my priorities v. committments. After looking at said priorities which are in this order: God, family, work, and so on; the ole' blog falls into the and so on catagory for now. Maybe someday I'll ask my cousin if I can have my laptop back so I can 'be with' my wife while blogging!!!