
You Say it's My Birthday?

Yesterday was my 26th birthday. To quote my father-in-law.

'If you keep having them at this pace you will have to change the name your Blog to Thirty Something before you know it.'

Man, it was a great day. I had to work late but what's new?

The day before my parents took Kristie and me to P.F. Chang's (doesn't get much better than that).

Check this out...on top of the sweet new PC speakers my wife got me and my new wireless keyboard and mouse for the office my parents got me, the in-laws and my parents got me every book I had put on a wish list!!!

How awesome is that?

Here's what I have on the ole' bookshelf now:

Tim Sanders - The Likeability Factor : How to Boost Your L-Factor and Achieve Your Life's Dreams

Steven D. Levitt - Freakonomics : A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything

Tom Peters - Leadership (Tom Peters Essentials)

Tom Peters - Talent (Tom Peters Essentials)

Jim Collins - Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't

Malcolm Gladwell - The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

James Cramer - Jim Cramer's Real Money: Sane Investing in an Insane World

Suze Orman - The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke

Donald Miller - Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality

C.S. Lewis - The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics


Robin said...

Happy Birthday! Don't feel bad that I missed it. I miss just about everybody's. =)

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday Brian! Gosh, 26 - sounds so young. I guess it's time to start thinking about baby #2 - LOL! BTW - we need a new pic posted of her. T-Lo