
My Google, My Google, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?!?!

What has happened to Google? I noticed this weekend that some of their searches have changed. You cannot look up stock quotes easily at this time. Previously you could put in the 3 or 4 letters that identify a company on NYSE or NASDAQ (i.e. AMR, GOOG) and Google would pull up the live stock quote and all the company information. Also, the 'movies 76210' function where you could see what is showing close to you at a glance is not working. I've been relying on this for awhile now and it's just gone...

I have noticed that you can now use other search engines via Google (look at the top of your search now).

I know you guys and gals lead the innovation pack but come on!!! When something is great why revert to good???

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