| Growing Up |
| Blue Grass? |
Rhonda Vincent and the Rage is a blue grass group full of talent. Picture this, 3 stage mics shared by 5 players:
- The front woman / mandolin picker
- The banjo strummer
- The up-right bass slapper
- The fiddle fiddler
- The acoustic guitar mistro
Anywho, I'm not very good a painting pictures. Go check out their live album Ragin' Live. My favorite two tracks are 'Driving Nails' and 'I've Forgotten You'.
I let K listen to a few tracks today and she goes, 'this is country!!!' (it should also be noted that she requests ketchup when we go to Bob's) :P
| Bela Fleck and the Flecktones |
- I have never been to Bass Hall (and I hear it's amazing).
- I have never seen the Flecktones headline a show.

From Wikipedia.org:
Béla Fleck and the Flecktones is a primarily instrumental group that draws equally on bluegrass, fusion and jazz band, sometimes dubbed "blue-bop." The band formed in 1988, initially to perform once on the PBS series Lonesome Pine Specials. The Flecktones have toured extensively since then, often playing over 200 concerts per year.
Frontman Béla Fleck plays acoustic and electric banjos, mixing a bluegrass and folk sound into a modern improvisational style. Fleck has received Grammy nominations for jazz, bluegrass, pop, spoken word and country.
Brothers Victor Wooten and Roy "Future Man" Wooten form the rhythm section. Victor Wooten is widely lauded in jazz circles for his sometimes hyperkinetic slap and pop technique on bass guitar. Future Man plays percussion using the one and only Synthaxe Drumitar, a MIDI controller shaped like a guitar.
Membership in The Flecktones is little changed since the band released its eponymous first album.
Harmonica and keyboards player Howard Levy appeared on the Flecktones' first three albums. After Levy's departure, Fleck and the Wooten Brothers regrouped on the album Three Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, the title a reference to the 1975 movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest based on Ken Kesey's novel. Saxophonist Jeff Coffin joined the band beginning with the album Left Of Cool.
The band has won several Grammy awards.
Each of the current members of the quartet has released at least one solo album.
| HD is Here |
WOW!!! Texas losing to LSU didn't hurt as bad in HD :D It looks amazing. One of my friends recommended getting an off air antenna to pick up WFAA in HD since it does not come across the dish yet. So I went ahead and splurged.
This leads me to the installation technician.
Could they send a more apathethetic, in a hurry, sloppy, installer? (Hint: The answer is NO)
The guy brought is son (a teenager) with him to help out. After he installed the new dish on the roof do you think he put silicone around the bolts (like the last guy did)? Is that not part of the install now? Do I have to get on a ladder and do it myself?
Then, he gets everything setup and begins his very brief tutorial. We get to WFAA and the off air antenna says, 'searching for signal'...now wait a minute, this is the only reason I purchased the additional antenna.
'Oh yeah,' he says 'you live too far north to get that channel. You can purchase an amplifier from Radio Shack and that should boost the signal enough for you to get it.'
So, Sunday I go outside to begin yard work and there is junk the guy left after he was 'finished' laying all over the yard.
Needless to say, Direct TV will be receiving a phone call from me on my commute home. Their customer service has always been great. But this contractor/installer was horrid.

Horns Go For Trifecta
Google Pages?
Google Finance
It's pretty slick so far. They've even made finance cool by adding a little Flash and AJAX to the site.
Almost Famous...
And someone from the show called me this morning to see if I was interested in being on 'THE LIGHTENING ROUND'. Well, I called from work and waited on the phone for like an hour. Then...I was on with 'Skeedaddy'.
He basically said to hold on to what I have since Tenet and HCA suck.
So go check it out tonight:
6:00 PM ET
9:00 PM ET
12:00 AM ET
Mad Money With Jim Cramer
Good Bye Google IG
Mad Money
Although it's been a rough couple of weeks for the NASDAQ and NYSE, my portfolio is only down 1%. Granted that's not that great but I guess it could be worse...
ARNA has been a home run thus far (up 14% since I bought)
CROX on the other hand has pretty much 'crapped out' to use a gambling term (down 12%)
By the way, the wife hates the show :D
- One third in Vangards Wellington Mutual Fund
- One third will be invested in a 'sector' fund (TBD)
- One third will be split between 5 individual stocks
- TRI - Triad Hospitals (already had these from previous employee stock option)
You Say it's My Birthday?
'If you keep having them at this pace you will have to change the name your Blog to Thirty Something before you know it.'
Man, it was a great day. I had to work late but what's new?
The day before my parents took Kristie and me to P.F. Chang's (doesn't get much better than that).
Check this out...on top of the sweet new PC speakers my wife got me and my new wireless keyboard and mouse for the office my parents got me, the in-laws and my parents got me every book I had put on a wish list!!!
How awesome is that?
Here's what I have on the ole' bookshelf now:
Tim Sanders - The Likeability Factor : How to Boost Your L-Factor and Achieve Your Life's Dreams
Steven D. Levitt - Freakonomics : A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything
Tom Peters - Leadership (Tom Peters Essentials)
Tom Peters - Talent (Tom Peters Essentials)
Jim Collins - Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't
Malcolm Gladwell - The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
James Cramer - Jim Cramer's Real Money: Sane Investing in an Insane World
Suze Orman - The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke
Donald Miller - Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality
C.S. Lewis - The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics
My New Question...
Would you like fries with that?
How may I help you?
All of these are great questions that I have used throughout my life. Well, I have a new one, and it makes sense.
This stems from a saying we had in the hospital pharmacy where I use to work. You would constantly have people (nurses) asking you to do something. In this fast paced environment, we constantly focused on volume (get it done). The only problem was about 75% of the time they would not fill in all of the parameters. That would always lead to a bunch of 'back and forth' until the issue was resolved. BBG (my boss) quickly came up with a saying:
'Give them what they need, not what they ask for!'
By asking, 'What are you trying to accomplish,' I feel that we could have resolved many issues faster. This would lead to happy nurses, happy patients, and quicker resolutions. All of this would increase customer satisfaction.
The next time you are asked to do something, think is through, how much time could you save in the end by asking this question.
VOTD: Colossians 3:23
Own Your Schedule
- I need to do better at my quiet times
- I need to be more 'on purpose' with the time I spend with Kristie
- I need to manage my workflow process better
- I need to get better about leaving work 'on-time'
- I need to blog again (it's nice to vent to the world)
- God
- Family
- Work