
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

The wife and I sat down last night to watch a movie that was suppose to be 'fantastic.' The basic premise is [link] a couple undergo a procedure to erase each other from their memories when their relationship turns sour, but it is only through the process of loss that they discover what they had to begin with.

Now, if I had known this from the start it would have made it a little easier to get into the movie. At first your like, 'Dude, what is going on? Will this start making sense soon?'

Eventually you get it (what's going on) and it turns out to be pretty good. Overall, I would give it one and a half a thumbs up. The cast was great and the subplot with Kirsten Dunst was a nice little twist (stellar cast by the way).

In the end...just give me Office Space.

'Corporate accounts payable, Meana speaking...Just a moment!'


Anonymous said...

I haven't seen this one but it looked good. I like abstact, carthasis inducing movies. I'll have to pick it up. By the way, love Office Space. It scary how accurate it is. That movie made me become more productive as they confessed how much work actually got done in a day!

Anonymous said...

Have you seen "The Office"? Not the total disturbing American version that is a poor, very poor imitation of the original, but the British comedy that is hilarious. I believe it is out on DVD?