
Quitomzilla - Firefox Extension

After another budget talk with the wife, I have decided to give up Starbucks. At least for a little while! As you may know, I use Firefox for my web browser. One of the really great things about this application is opensource extensions. You may customize the way you move on the net.

Anyway, after deciding to quit I needed a little encouragment. That's when I ran across this beautiful extension. It was originally created for individuals that have quit smoking and I modified it for myself [link] I put the day I stopped going and the number of drinks I purchased a day and how much one cost.

As of today I have gone 1 week 1 day and 6 hours without purchasing a lovely Grande Iced Quad Americano (no water)...serious drink by the way and saved $24.00.


My wife asked me this question, "If you have saved $24.00, where is it?" My response was, "Not on the credit card..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOw, How's it going... I spend like 4-6 bucks a day at starbucks... Plus I have a t-mobile account... you seriously challenged me... I'm not making any promises... but thanks for the post...